This is Part 3 in our NYC personal injury video series: “What Happens If I Slip on Liquid Inside a Building?”
One thing you want to do if you land on your back is not get up. However, you do want to notice, if you can, what you slipped and fell on. In New York, if you slip and fall on a water condition of some kind, some liquid condition, that’s called a transient condition. What that means is it’s not there forever. It’s not like a crack or hole in the sidewalk. It’s a condition that was created by someone sometime and under the law a person has a reasonable amount of time to clean up a condition like that.
If you can determine how long the water was there, what color it was, was it coffee, was it oil, was it leaking from somewhere, was there a pipe, was someone mopping, were there buckets and mops in the area, did you fall in front of the superintendent of the building, or was there a doorman there. These are all things that you want to take note of because they do become important when your lawyer is going to determine whether the building owner is liable for that condition.